Sarah Palin Thinks She Is So Damn Cute

I like to follow politics.   I’m pretty middle of the road.   I’m not democrat or liberal, republican or conservative.

I love my country.  I believe in our military.  On the conservative side, I think illegal immigration is bad for our country.  I believe in the second amendment. I don’t like government waste and excessive taxes. On the more liberal side, I think unions are great for workers and bad for companies.  I don’t think we should tell people whether or not they can get married or have an abortion. 

So what has my ire up today?  Sarah Palin and her ridiculous speech in Indiana.  After arguing publicly with a seventeen year old last week, I’ve just had enough of her.  She is one of the most annoying right wing whack  jobs to enter the public eye in a long time.  She thinks she’s soooo damn cute and that she can say anything she wants whether it makes sense or not.  How can you go speak at an anti-abortion fundraiser and blither on and on about how great Alaska is – and THEN admit that you thought about having an abortion when she knew her child would have special needs.  Hey Sarah, here’s a news flash for you – YOU HAD A CHOICE.  The key word there is CHOICE.  See how hypocritical you sound to anyone with half a brain?

If she runs for President I hope Mitt Romney kicks the crap out of her in the primaries and takes the nomination.

In fact, if I could pick 5 conservative freaks and 5 more liberal fruitcakes to put on a boat and send to the middle of the Atlantic Ocean these would be the 10…

1. Sarah Palin
2. Sean Hannity
3. Rush Limbaugh
4. Bill O’Reilly
5. Laura Ingraham
6. Keith Olbermann
7. Chris Matthews
8. Rachel Maddow
9. Arianna Huffington
10. Sean Penn

Push ’em out to sea and say good riddance.

Common Courtesy – Today’s Rant

I’m not even thirty yet, still I find myself muttering things that I thought would be reserved for the day I was 80-something years old.  Damn kids, today’s music is horrible, what the hell is this crap on TV… you know the drill.

The other day my husband and I were at the grocery store.  When we came out to our car I noticed an older man wandering around the parking lot, obviously unable to find his car.  I threw the rest of our groceries in the trunk and told hubs that I was going to find out what kind of car he had.  Before I could make my way to him, he had found his car and proceeded to leave with his gallon of milk and small plastic bag in tow.

What got my ire up was the number of people in this very busy parking lot that didn’t have the time of day to help this man, who appeared to be getting winded and was limping around looking for his car.  Car after car, and person after person whizzed right past him.

Part of what is so screwed up about our society, in my opinion, is that we have lost a sense of unity and general common courtesy.  Look at the current financial melt-down and tell me that it wasn’t driven by an attitude of ‘me first, and to hell with everyone else.’  Good luck convincing me otherwise.

I have a good friend in the real estate business.  She tells me often how home buyers that are my age think they should go straight into a home with granite counter tops, four bedrooms, and a three car garage in the extreme end of their price range.  What ever happened to buying a starter home and moving up?  What the hell brought about this sense of entitlement to everyone in this country?

Let’s just say that I have a unique perspective on things.  I grew up a steelworker’s daughter.  I knew what it was like to go from feast to famine during layoffs and strikes.  I remember the days when companies were focused on making a profit, yet not sacrificing the welfare of their dedicated workers to make an insane profit.  It doesn’t happen like that very often anymore.

I was also temporarily disabled at around 25 years old.  I know what it’s like to be treated by the general public like you are just in their way.  People are ruder than ever before.  Plain and simple. 

If you keep worrying about yourself and no one else, well watch out when something terrible happens.  Who do you think is going to help YOU out when YOU need it?  No one.  Because you were too self-centered and egotistical to worry about anyone but yourself.  What comes around goes around, my friend.

To Blog Or Not To Blog

This is going to be the space for my, let’s just say “secret life”.  Oooh.  Intriguing. 

I need an outlet to write about the crap that goes on in life.  I’m a twenty-something business owner.  Married, no brats yet (or possibly ever). 

I enjoy politics, sports, good food and sick humor. 

My political views are middle of the road.  I hate Ann Coulter just as much as I hate Sean Penn.  Those are two people on both sides of the spectrum that need to keep their damn mouths shut.  I think putting both of them on a deserted island would be entertaining.

Although I try to look at the bright side, life has dealt me a load of crap.  But, who hasn’t had a load of crap in their lives?  I don’t whine about it, but I can’t help but be honest and say that it has “jaded” me.  Hence, the blog title.

So here it is.  I’m not into comments or whatever.  Just a place to explore and express the darker side of personality that isn’t all sunshine and puppy dogs.

– Aleksandria

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